Mobile Crash is an interactive installation comprising four projections in a room with direct sound, creating an immersive audio and video environment. Through public interaction a series of “sentences” or rhythmic sequences are reproduced in increasing intensity, sound and action. Images show obsolescent devices and equipment being hammered to bits. It invites the public to share the actions as a kind of catharsis, which can be collective or individual.
Mobile Crash partially relates to the final sequences (act 3) presented in the live video performance: Da Obsolescência Programada in 3 acts.
Re-created as an interactive installation, the set up is constituted by four big projections in a room, with its respective direct audio. Once the viewer enters the space the system detects his/her direction and would respond accordingly, by playing a series of video sequences in the related screen. Once inside the room, one would just point to one of the four screens to make it respond by triggering the videos. The interface, specially developed for the work has proved to be very intuitive (the premiére was at Geografias Celulares, curated by Marcus Bastos at the Espacio Fundación Telefonica, in Buenos Aires). The images, edited in a rhythmic and increasingly noisier sequence (up to 12 levels), show technologic devices, mainly mobile phones, being smashed by a hammer.
Mobile Crash received the Honorary Mention at Ars Electronica 2010: see page
_watch the videos commenting the installation:
_watch a sample of edited sequences included on the installation:
Mobile Crash:
conceived by: Lucas Bambozzi
assistant: Paloma Oliveira
technological development: Ricardo Palmieri
tracking system: Roger Sodré
images: Lucas Bambozzi and Lucas Gervilla
year of production: 2009

some references:
“The Life and Death of Media” by Bruce Sterling
“Raising the dead : built on digital sand” published by Horizon Zero (Banff Center), this text comments on Bruce’s articles on dead media and a lot more:
“Creative Uses for Obsolete Technology”, have fun…
“Capturing Unstable Media”, a series of links based on a seminal catalogue/publication by V2 (maybe at an outdated URL)
Versão em Português
Mobile Crash é uma instalação composta por 4 projeções que ocupam a paredes de uma sala, que resultam num ambiente sonoro e visualmente imersivo formado pela sucessão de pequenos loops audiovisuais. As sequências de loops podem ser modificadas pelo público, através de gestos intuitivos como apontar para uma tela ou pelo simples caminhar em direção a esta. A alternância entre os loops a partir das interações pode produzir diálogos e encadeamentos visuais distintos, bem como pode oferecer a possibilidade de criações rítmicas praticamente infinitas que podem ser ‘tocadas’ por parte de um ou mais visitantes ao mesmo tempo.
As imagens consistem em seqüências que registram a destruição sistemática (através de martelos) de uma série de produtos tecnológicos, a maioria deles obsoletos ou beirando a obsolescência — mídias como floppy disks, fitas VHS, cartuchos de impressora, teclados de computador, impressoras, lâmpadas e principalmente aparelhos celulares. São cerca de 60 sequëncias de vídeo com duração de 15 segundos que se repetem a partir da interação física do público.
Making of Mobile Crash

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